Cannibal Baby

Allison was happy to be giving birth.
She lay in the hospital bed, holding the hand of her husband, Rick.
"I'm so happy."
Suddenly, Allison started screaming. She convulsed, yanking her husband's arm around. He pulled it back in shock.
The doctor was just as surprised.
"I have no idea what's happening."
A baby slid out in a waterfall of blood from Allison's vagina. Allison lay still, dead.
Rick sobbed, covering his face. The doctor looked at the monstrosity born from Allison's nasty, hairy cavern.
It looked at the doctor, eyes normal as ever. Then, it smiled, revealing sharp, cat-like teeth. The doctor let out a gasp and grabbed the nearby chair to bash the demon's skull in.
The demonic baby let out and inhumane screech, and despite its skull being bashed, lunged at the doctor and ripped a chunk out of his arm. Rick, hearing the commotion, grabbed a vase on the bedside table and smashed it over the demon's bashed in head. Glass sticking out everywhere, the thing finally fell dead.
"Doctor, what was that thing?"
The doctor cursed under his breath as her held his bleeding arm in a sheet.
"It was a demon baby. We've seen these before."
Rick gave a puzzled look.
"What's a... Demon baby?"
The doctor sighed at this man's blatant stupidity.
"A demonic baby. It grows in the womb and feeds off the organ's walls."
"How is a demon baby made?"
"The mother or father has to be a demon."
The doctor looked to Allison's corpse. She looked completely human.
"So that means..."
Rick smiled at the doctor. "Yes!"
The doctor turned into a demon and ripped Rick's fucking heart out, devouring it.
"That's right! I fucked your wife!"